Where to Find Curved Brush for Spray Master Full Round Fenders? – AOQUN

Where to Find Curved Brush for Spray Master Full Round Fenders? – AOQUN

3rd Floor, AB Building, No. 333 South Panyu Avenue, Dongchong Town – 广州 – 中国,广东020-84858360Facebook
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The auto parts trader, Miss Zhang, was recently looking for a Curved Brush for Spray Master Full Round Fenders, because there are many heavy truck accessories dealers telling Miss Zhang that the new national standard has come out and there is no anti-splattering Curved Brush for Spray Master Full Round Fenders. Seeing to the end of the year, many transport companies are scrambling to find Curved Brush for Spray Master, but basically no manufacturer is making this product.

Ms. Zhang finds the aoqun that makes Curved Brush for Spray Master Full Round Fenders. Through understanding, Aoqun has learned that although the national standard has been out for a long time, there are basically few manufacturers . Therefore, many heavy truck customers are unable to pass the annual vehicle inspection. In response to Ms. Zhang’s request, Aoqun successfully developed a qualified Curved Brush for Spray Master Full Round Fenders in just 20 days based on the market situation and the information provided by Ms. Zhang, Aoqun Curved Brushes are made of high-quality PA and PP materials, and are available in straight, semi-circular, and customized styles. The most important thing is that Aoqun’s Curved Brush has passed the ROHS certification, and it complies with many automotive industry standards such as GB7258-2017, GB34659-2017, and has good UV resistance and aging resistance.

Half a month later, AOQUN received a reply from Miss Zhang. Miss Zhang said: “The heavy truck with the Aoqun Curved Brush for Spray Master Full Round Fenders has successfully passed the annual vehicle inspection and finally relieved the customer ’s concerns. The customer is currently plan to order Curved Brush in batches, so we need to cooperate with Aoqun. “


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Where to Find Curved Brush for Spray Master Full Round Fenders? – AOQUN